This work is an investigation of the ongoing methodical reconstruction of Catholic moral theology...
'Gaudium et Spes,' Vatican IIs Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, marked fu...
This book explores the normative implications for both general and sexual ethics of the methodolo...
This work is an investigation of the ongoing methodical reconstruction of Catholic moral theology...
One day while driving, Todd Salzman drifted toward a bridge abutment-fully ensnared in the dragon...
In Pope Francis, Marriage, and Same-Sex Civil Unions: Foundations for the Organic Development of ...
Two principles capture the essence of the Catholic position on the morality of sexuality: first, ...
Two distinguished authors and teachers here draw upon foundational insights from virtue and theol...
'In June 2018 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) released the sixth edition...
The always popular What Are They Saying About series introduces readers to the current debate con...
The greatest scholars in the Catholic West offer these essays on marriage from a Catholic perspec...
Two renowned, award-winning authors in the field of virtue and sexual ethics introduce and then a...