In January 1889, as London constables hunted for Jack the Ripper and theaters around the world pr...
The shocking series of crimes committed by lovers Martha Beck and Raymond Fernandez dominated the...
In the 1890s, Amos Lunt served as the San Quentin hangman, tying the nooses that brought the most...
In the spring of 1903, Nancy Jeanette Flood stood accused of a horrific crime--bewitching two eld...
Examines criminal cases during the conflict.
While the River City is known for its history of furniture making, it also has a sinister side. J...
'In the fall of 1916, New York housemaid Augusta Steinbach fell in love with a man she met throug...
Author Tobin T. Buhk recounts the thrilling tales of Detroit's most violent, clever and misunders...
'Discover the sensational 1916 plot to murder the famous Peck family of Grand Rapids'
The body of a woman floats to the surface of a lake with sixty pounds of cinder block and chain a...
'In the fall of 1916, New York housemaid Augusta Steinbach fell in love with a man she met throug...
'The spring of 1903 proved disastrous for the Murphy family. On April 22, the infant Ruth Murphy ...