PENTAGON'S HAMMER is played out during a twelve day global event involving the United States, Nor...
The first Volume, INVISIBLE WARRIOR, is a comprehensive narrative nonfiction based on the vulnera...
The first Volume, INVISIBLE WARRIOR, is a comprehensive narrative nonfiction based on the vulnera...
FORSAKEN FREEDOM is a comprehensive fiction novel based on the vulnerability of the United States...
JIHAD - TARGET AMERICA is a comprehensive work based on the vulnerability of the United States de...
PENTAGON'S HAMMER is played out during a twelve day global event involving the United States, Nor...
FALLEN FREEDOM is a comprehensive fiction novel based on the vulnerability of the United States d...
This Homeless book is a tribute written and dedicated to both, my reading audience and the homele...
JIHAD - TARGET AMERICA is a comprehensive work based on the vulnerability of the United States de...
This writing will serve as my account of a government system gone wrong. Where my writing started...