Timothy Tarkelly's work has appeared in Cauldron Anthology, Aphelion Webzine, Philosophical Idiot...
Timothy Tarkelly's poetry has been featured by Paragon Journal, Haunted Waters Press, Cauldron An...
Writer of poetry, romance, and the other things.Timothy Tarkelly's poetry has been featured by ...
Jason Ryberg was born in the heart of a parade only to be abandoned, days later, on the steps of ...
Timothy Tarkelly is a teacher, debate coach, activist, and poet from Southeast Kansas. He's autho...
Author's Notes on Second Edition:Before going to West Point, Dwight D. Eisenhowertook a job at a ...
'There is an emotional breadth and depth to Tim's work that is palpable. A deep sense of abiding ...
Like all of us, like George Armstrong Custer himself in fact, Timothy Tarkelly is perfectly flawe...