John McMorrow, a young philosophy professor from Clarksburg, Virginia, abandons his home and posi...
If the Kingdom of God came to your neighborhood, you and your neighbors would know each other, ta...
On Thursday, before His arrest, Jesus ate one final meal with His disciples. Then He was arrested...
God gave Israel kings to lead them, but the kings failed to lead the nation toward God. After a s...
Exploring the enduring influence of John Stott's views on the Christian life, this book will enco...
The history of Israel and the story of the Old Testament pointed toward the need of a savior who ...
God took Jacob's tiny family and turned them into a nation, then brought them out and prepared th...
After His resurrection, Jesus' followers received the power of the Holy Spirit to disciple the na...
In the beginning, God made the world, and we broke it so badly that He rebooted it with a worldwi...
The blind could see, the sick were healed, the dead raised. The kingdom of God was truly at hand....
Faithful Israel conquered the land and settled into their new home, and immediately began to forg...
God separated one family from the rest of humanity to be the custodian of His revelation and bles...