Once upon a time, more than a thousand years hence, on a distant world called 'Tethys', in the ki...
A thief and a rich merchant's daughter. A warrior bearing the scars of a terrible tragedy. Togeth...
The battle to save the inhabitants of Tethys from imminent destruction by the Authority's Deconta...
Driven from her home, Naela, the Sareen, flees across the Limpic Ocean to Fontaine, where she com...
At the dawn of the interstellar age...In the late 2050s century interstellar exploration has sudd...
Ever since Louisa's been a teen she's dreamt of being swept away by a tall, blonde guy, with a de...
There they found a sword. They took it and returned back home-followed by the emissaries of the s...
Alex's first novel-a thriller, drawing on his experience as a former detective, about the connect...
When Sam's parents were killed-his mother in a hit-and-run, his father during a mysterious meetin...
At high school and college Tessa and Evan disliked each other with a passion. He considered her s...
When the emortal Cian, whose mesmeric powers had kept him alive for eight centuries, saved the 'e...
'I will teach you how to fight. But I will also teach you how to judge wisely about what needs to...