Sacrament of Mercy is a guide to help make the experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation more...
The immense suffering in the modern world, especially in the light of the Holocaust, has had a pr...
An exploration of process theology, centering on the major paradox challenging theologians: how t...
This book attempts to reconceive the Trinity. Its thesis is that the Father beget the Son in or b...
Presents a theological interpretation of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Unlike many conve...
'Sayings of the early Church fathers on all aspects of the Catholic Mass, drawn largely from the ...
Athanasius was a fiery and controversial bishop from Egypt, driven from his See no less than five...
Acknowledged as one of the leading contemporary Catholic Christologists, Thomas G. Weinandy has c...
Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 2: A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of John: Prologue and ...
The Trinity: Eternity and Time
Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 3 follows upon the previous two volumes of this series entitled Jesu...
'Offers an introduction and chapter-by-chapter commentary by various Catholic scholars on the 202...