With our American Philosophy and Religion series, Applewood reissues many primary sources publish...
Title: A friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our political confusions...
Title: An appeal to the public, in behalf of the Church of England in America.Author: Thomas Brad...
An Appeal to the Public, in Behalf of the Church of England in America
Title: A free examination of the Critical commentary on Archbishop Secker's Letter to Mr. Walpole...
The Life Of Samuel Johnson, Part 4
Title: The appeal defended, or, The proposed American episcopate vindicated: in answer to the obj...
Title: An appeal to the public: in behalf of the Church of England in America.Author: Thomas Brad...
Title: The appeal farther defended: in answer to the farther misrepresentations of Dr. Chauncy.Au...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowled...
The Appeal Defended, or, The Proposed American Episcopate Vindicated: In Answer to the Objections...
The American Querist: Or, Some Questions Proposed Relative To The Present Disputes Between Great ...