'I talk like a lady who knows what she wants' is how the vagrant begins her story in 'Trailer Gir...
Clare, an L.A. ad executive, finds herself stranded on a remote island in the South Pacific. Barc...
Water, its use and abuse, trickles through Great American Desert, a story collection by Terese Sv...
In this stunningly original collection of seventeen short stories, Terese Svoboda navigates a ter...
All of the medical, technological, and psychological advances of the twentieth century challenge ...
A gender-bent novel of reluctant pirates, a suicidal mother, and a schoolmarm mermaid that ends i...
Terese Svoboda is the author of five volumes of poetry and four novels, including Tin God (Nebras...
'Terese Svoboda's eighth book of poetry, 'Theatrix: Poetry Plays,' is all about play, and no pun ...
These are poems of family, of romantic hope and disappointment, of parenthood, and of grief that ...
In her poetry Terese Svoboda walks out to the edge where language is made and destroyed. Her subj...
'Anything That Burns You is the first full-length biography of Lola Ridge, a trailblazer for wome...
Terese Svoboda, a native of Ogallala, Nebraska, is the author of five volumes of poetry and four ...