Uncovers the growing body of legal principles and rules around mortgages devised by various insti...
Provides an analysis of the Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records and the Model Law on the...
This significant and timely book explores a novel market mechanism, Stock Connect, which gives mu...
This book examines the role, impact, and limitations of regulation as a tool for shaping innovati...
This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the national and international legal issues ...
This book critically examines the theoretical foundations and legal framework for macroprudential...
En la actualidad se desarrollan biofertilizantes que permiten un uso más eficiente del fósforo de...
Power electronics and variable frequency drives are continuously developing multidisciplinary fie...
There's a whole big world out there. Here's how every woman can get out and conquer it-solo.This ...
The development of sugar-free chocolates and compound chocolates represents a challenge for food ...
En el presente trabajo se proporciona una visión general de los métodos analíticos desarrollados ...
La Escuela Normal Superior de Colombia, institución pionera en la formación de maestros universit...