In this gripping Dark Adult Fantasy,Swords and Magic are what define the five kingdoms of Ellen...
In this slow-burn mystery, Safia finds herself in a school with a history covered in secrets whos...
After being spirited away from the city of Nyril, Rana finds herself sent into the sky to attend ...
In this gripping Dark Adult Fantasy,Swords and Magic are what define the five kingdoms of Ellen...
In this slow-burn mystery, Safia finds herself in a school with a history covered in secrets whos...
After being spirited away from the city of Nyril, Rana finds herself sent into the sky to attend ...
To escape the mundane life of working in her family's diner, Safia accepts to go to a secret scho...
After the attack on the school, Isha is once again unsure what the future holds for her. While no...
After the attack on the school, Isha is once again unsure what the future holds for her. While no...
In a lively city, two inseparable best friends find themselves in a playful yet high-stakes compe...
In the continuation of Safia Famosa's journey through the mystery of Apex Academy, she must navig...
In a lively city, two inseparable best friends find themselves in a playful yet high-stakes compe...