In seinem fesselnden Roman beschreibt Tariq Ali die Tragödie der andalusischen Mauren.
The subject of numerous biographies and history books, Winston Churchill has been repeatedly vote...
Leo Trotzki schloss sich in seiner Jugend in der heutigen Ukraine, die seinerzeit zum russischen ...
The revolutionary world leader’s extraordinary life, published for the centenary of Lenin’s death
A new memoir from renowned political activist and author of Street Fighting Years: An Autobiograp...
Nach dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs im Jahr 1989 fegte ein kapitalistischer Sturm über die Welt. ...
Staphylococcal infection has twisted into a rigorous health problem worldwide due to unavailabili...
This book discusses recent developments and the latest research in algebra and related topics. Th...
Apricot is a popular and economically important fruit of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), Pakistan. Approx....
Environmental and occupational respiratory diseases account for a significant portion of preventa...