Inspired by real-life birchbark boat craftsmanship, this enchanting story follows Grandpa Tuobu a...
Xue Tao (A.D. 768-831) was well known as a poet in an age when all men of learning were poets--an...
This book provides an excellent overview on the most recent results on the industrial application...
In four chapters and an introduction, this book systematically helps readers understand the devel...
Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject Psychology - Social Psychology, grade: A, Linnaeu...
This book provides an excellent overview on the most recent results on the industrial application...
In four chapters and an introduction, this book systematically helps readers understand the devel...
This book presents the definition of aeolian desertification and uncovers its processes, driving ...
The two-volume set LNAI 13725 and 13726 constitutes the proceedings of the 18th International Con...
The two-volume set LNAI 13725 and 13726 constitutes the proceedings of the 18th International Con...
This book presents the definition of aeolian desertification and uncovers its processes, driving ...
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Years ago, Xiaoke's father planted a peach tree in his old hutong neighborhood. To Xiaoke, the tr...