'Implementing standards-based learning is a paradigm shift at all levels of education, and teache...
Discover a practical, comprehensive model of effective professional learning communities. In this...
'Standards-based learning has been implemented into schools across the globe, yet it often does n...
As the 21st century unfolds, the pace of change in the world is accelerating. The authors believe...
Delivering a dynamic presentation is a difference maker! After spending time crafting a memorable...
'In Crafting Your Message: Tips and Tricks for Educators to Deliver Perfect Presentations, author...
When teachers adopt standards-based learning, students take ownership of their education and achi...
A must-have resource for coaches, leaders, and teams, this book covers approaches for boosting pr...
'Assessment is a fundamental aspect of education, but with so many different standards and learni...
'The responsibility of coaching school sports is rewarding but challenging in many ways. 'Coachin...