Hypertension is more prevalent among adults due to various reasons and it is ranked as the leadin...
This manual can be used as an educational material to train the people on social entrepreneurship...
The coastal zone is very critical and important because of the high productivity of its ecosystem...
The Present title Methods in Biotechnology is an inexpensive and readable book offering a great i...
Even after 75 years of independence, women are facing critical problems to participate in politic...
Ce manuel peut être utilisé comme matériel pédagogique pour former les gens à l'entrepreneuriat s...
Dannoe posobie mozhet byt' ispol'zowano w kachestwe uchebnogo materiala dlq obucheniq lüdej socia...
Este manual puede utilizarse como material educativo para formar a las personas en materia de emp...
Este manual pode ser utilizado como material educativo para formar as pessoas em empreendedorismo...
Questo manuale può essere utilizzato come materiale didattico per formare le persone all'imprendi...
Dieses Handbuch kann als Lehrmaterial verwendet werden, um die Menschen in sozialem Unternehmertu...
Auch 75 Jahre nach der Unabhängigkeit stehen Frauen vor großen Problemen, wenn sie sich an der Po...