'Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman: Journey to Nature's Underworld' begleitet die erste Doppelausstell...
Welch überragenden Stellenwert die Natur imuvre des Bildhauers David Smith inne hat, wird bei ein...
Published to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Philadelphia Museum of Art craft show, Craf...
Features four artists whose works address the current fascination in American craft with change, ...
From the beginning of time, armor and amulets have been used for protection and are found in cult...
No matter your opinions about guns, these fascinating works by top artists will make you think in...
Artists such as Maya Lin, Roxy Paine, and Dustin Yellin show the impact of human interventionon o...
Studio jewelry dissolves the modern distinction between decorative and fine arts. The 60 pieces i...