1791 revoltierten die Sklaven von Saint Domingue, dem heutigen Haiti, unter Absingen der Marseill...
Es handelt sich zunächst um die Dissertation des Einundzwanzigjährigen (1924), die sich fast noch...
Der letzte Band der Adornoschen Gesamtausgabe hat den Charakter einer Nachlese. Die Anordnung des...
Susan Buck-Morss examines and stresses the significance of Critical Theory for young West Germ in...
El Origen de La Dialectica Negativa
Walter Benjamin's magnum opus was a book he did not live to write. In The Dialectics of Seeing, S...
Reclaiming the first century as common ground rather than the origin of deeply entrenched differe...
Susan Buck-Morss highlights new forms of international solidarity and revolutionary subjectivity ...
Buck-Morss draws new connections between history, inequality, social conflict, and human emancipa...
Susan Buck-Morss es profesora de Filosofía Política y Teoría Social en la Cornell University. En ...
Susan Buck-Morss highlights new forms of international solidarity and revolutionary subjectivity ...
Renowned critical theorist Buck-Morss argues convincingly that a global public needs to think pas...