The main aim of this work is to explore the gauge integrals over Metric Measure Spaces, particula...
Facial trauma also called maxillofacial trauma is any physical trauma to the face. Anatomic struc...
Craniofacial trauma still remains the common health problem and significant workload in many maxi...
O trauma craniofacial continua a ser o problema de saúde comum e a carga de trabalho significativ...
Les traumatismes cranio-faciaux restent encore un problème de santé courant et une charge de trav...
Cherepno-licewaq trawma po-prezhnemu ostaetsq rasprostranennoj problemoj zdrawoohraneniq i znachi...
Kraniofaziale Traumata sind nach wie vor ein häufiges Gesundheitsproblem und eine große Arbeitsbe...
Il trauma craniofacciale rimane ancora il problema di salute comune e il carico di lavoro signifi...
Los traumatismos craneofaciales siguen siendo un problema de salud común y una carga de trabajo i...
This textbook provides a comprehensive course in metric spaces. Presenting a smooth takeoff from ...
This textbook provides a comprehensive course in metric spaces. Presenting a smooth takeoff from ...