Many watersheds experience scarcity of water for agricultural and domestic use for most part of t...
Zmiany klimatyczne maj¿ miejsce w zwi¿zku z powänym wzrostem emisji gazów cieplarnianych i w¿gla ...
Il cambiamento climatico avviene a causa della forte crescita dei gas serra e delle emissioni di ...
A mudança climática ocorre devido ao grave crescimento dos gases de efeito estufa e das emissões ...
Climate change takes place due to severe growth of Greenhouse Gases and Carbon emissions into the...
Klimaatverandering vindt plaats door een sterke groei van broeikasgassen en de uitstoot van kools...
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of bacterial origin that results in the progressive dest...
Increasing population and migration of people to cities around the globe causes improper urbaniza...
In the present scenario, Hadoop is just like the kernel for big data, having distributed storage ...
De toename van de bevolking en de migratie van mensen naar steden over de hele wereld zorgt voor ...
O aumento da população e a migração de pessoas para as cidades ao redor do globo causa problemas ...
El aumento de la población y la migración de personas a las ciudades de todo el mundo causa probl...