The book offers an excellent and practical oriented approach of modeling and simulation of grid c...
Like any other medical treatment, orthodontic treatment also has many adverse effects. A clinicia...
This research has been divided into following categories:Objective: To determine the relationship...
Television advertising incur huge cost for the advertisers. If it fulfills the objectives of adve...
Armed with the basic building blocks of mechanics, the orthodontist devises an intricate plan of ...
Kieferorthopäden spielen bei der Behandlung von Patienten mit Lippen- und Gaumenspalten von Gebur...
Los ortodoncistas desempeñan un papel importante en el tratamiento de los pacientes con labio y p...
Orthodontists play a major role in management of patient of cleft lip and palate since birth. Pat...
Gli ortodontisti svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella gestione dei pazienti affetti da labiopalat...
Os ortodontistas desempenham um papel importante na gestão de pacientes com fendas labiais e pala...
Les orthodontistes jouent un rôle majeur dans la prise en charge des patients présentant une fent...