This book presents a fresh perspective on combating cybercrime, showcasing innovative solutions f...
This book presents a comprehensive overview of non-ferrous metallurgy, especially its core princi...
The book 'Iron Ore - Coal Coke Composite Pellets' has been written especially for the students of...
Talacauvery is situated in Kodagu district of Central Western Ghats of Karnataka. Due to variatio...
Orphan disease research has historically been highly fragmented by data type, by a research insti...
Implement different testing techniques using Selenium WebDriver with the Python programming langu...
The seminar proceedings consists of a set of research articles written by several authors and edi...
This book presents a comprehensive overview of non-ferrous metallurgy, especially its core princi...
The purpose of publishing the book was ultimately to investigate the training effect on various p...
Duryodhan, a middle aged lawyer, suspects his wife of cheating and wants to kill her. So he emplo...
This book provides insights into the current state of sorghum genomics. It particularly focuses o...