This book explores some of the common socio-economic and environmental challenges faced by the ci...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 172,50 €
This book focuses on understanding urban vulnerability and risk mitigation, advancing good health...
This book explores the geographical, geomorphological, ecological, touristic and socioeconomic as...
This book focuses on understanding urban vulnerability and risk mitigation, advancing good health...
This book explores the geographical, geomorphological, ecological, touristic and socioeconomic as...
This book describes the importance of water resources for socio-economic and ecological developme...
This book describes the importance of water resources for socio-economic and ecological developme...
This book covers themes related to the geosphere, biosphere, sociosphere and ecosphere dealing wi...
This book focuses on various psycho-social and socio-physical aspects of climate change and inclu...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 171,19 €
This book explores the concept and issues of sustainability and its symbiotic relationship with e...
Energy storage and management is the crucial factor in today's energy scenario. Proper utilizatio...
Nakoplenie i uprawlenie änergiej - wazhnejshij faktor w sowremennom änergeticheskom scenarii. Pra...