Krafttiere sind Geistführer in Tierform. Naturvölker in aller Welt glauben, dass ihnen die Tierge...
Faszinierendes schamanisches Wissen, tief gehende Meditationen und zur inneren Reife führende Übu...
Seit alten Zeiten, als wir Menschen noch eine unmittelbarere Beziehung mit den Tieren hatten, mit...
To Fool the Rain thoughtfully chronicles Steven Werlin's journey with Fonkoze, but it is also the...
Experience the Magic of Spirit Animals Soar with Dr. Steven Farmer and our sacred storytellers a...
Experience the Magic of Spirit AnimalsSoar with Dr. Steven Farmer and our sacred storytellers as ...
Animal spirit guides are spirit helpers in animal form who can provide guidance for questions you...
In this fascinating book, Steven Farmer guides you through a journey on the accompanying audio do...
In 'Earth Magic, ' Steven Farmer offers a unique synthesis of ancient spiritual practices and phi...
Offers ideas on how to create your own ceremonies to consecrate the critical events and passages ...
Following the publication of the popular and best-selling Animal Spirit Guides, several people co...
This book opens the audience's eyes to the extraordinary scientific secrets hiding in everyday ob...