The Stunningly original new YA novel from renowned spoken-word poet Steven Camden, AKA PolarBearM...
An achingly beautiful collection of poems about one week in a secondary school where everything h...
TAPE is an outstanding debut. Told with crackling prose, shimmering with humour and deeply moving...
TAPE is an outstanding debut. Told with crackling prose, shimmering with humour and deeply moving...
The stunningly original new YA novel from renowned spoken-word poet Steven Camden. With a dash of...
'They think I'm cool.'Dom's face wrinkled up, 'Who cares?'But I did. I cared. When Dad leaves, te...
A funny, warm novel in verse from the CLiPPA award winning poet Steven Camden.
Summer School and Cyborgs is the sequel to Steven Camden's funny and tender first novel My Big Mo...