Dress the dollies as they travel around the world, checking in at the airport, boarding an inter-...
In this current period of uncertainty and introspection in the media, New Journalisms focuses not...
Advances in computer technology have had a tremendous impact on mathematics in the last two decad...
Know what academic freedom is? Or what it's come to mean? What's affirmative about affirmative ac...
This book constitutes the joint refereed proceedings of Calculemus 2014, Digital Mathematics Libr...
In this current period of uncertainty and introspection in the media, New Journalisms not only fo...
Samuel Beckett is one of the most important figures in the history of Irish literature, and he co...
In a series of stinging analyses, this book examines the current sorry state of higher education....
As computers and communications technology advance, greater opportunities arise for intelligent m...
Examines Samuel Beckett's importance to Irish literature through a discussion of his influence on...
Know what academic freedom is? Or what it's come to mean? What's affirmative about affirmative ac...
This book traces the effects of materiality - including money and its opposite, poverty - on the ...