Dismissed by the first Spanish explorers as a wasteland, the Grand Canyon lay virtually unnoticed...
An enthralling scientific and cultural exploration of the Ice Age-from the author of How the Cany...
'The world is on fire, and no one sees that--or writes about it--better than Stephen Pyne. This i...
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Published in association with Phoenix Art Museum and Center for Creative Photography.
In this lively account of one [fire] season, Pyne introduces us to the tightly knit world of a fi...
In The Ice: A Journey to Antarctica America s foremost expert on wildfire turns to the land witho...
Stephen Pyne has been described as having a consciousness 'composed of equal parts historian, eco...
From prehistory to the present-day conservation movement, Pyne explores the efforts of successive...
World Fire is the story of how fire and humans have coevolved. The two are inseparable, and toget...
Pyne traces the impact of fire in Australia, showing that it has been a powerful environmental de...
Stephen J. Pyne is professor emeritus at Arizona State University. He spent fifteen seasons with ...
As Stephen Pyne reveals in his biography, few other scientists can match Grove Karl Gilbert's ran...