Nebulous Earth follows the development of the 19th century's most popular explanation for the ori...
The early 20th century saw the replacement of the nebular hypothesis with the Chamberlin-Moulton ...
Dies ist der zweite Band einer Sammlung grundlegender Arbeiten über die kinetische Gastheorie; er...
Transmuted Past summarizes the attempts to estimate the age of the Earth during the nineteenth an...
Nebulous Earth follows the development of the nineteenth-century's most popular explanation for t...
'Da Mathematiker stets in denselben Bahnen zu denken pflegen, haben sie das freie Feld der Gedan ...
Fruitful Encounters surveys the development of theories of the origin of the solar system in the ...
The age of the Earth has been one of the most disputed numbers in science since the 17th century....
This work is the third edition of the classic text ''Introduction to Concepts and Theories in Phy...
This book introduces physics students and teachers to the historical development of the kinetic t...
A large-scale historical look at the implementation of the scientific method, and how scientific ...
This book introduces physics students and teachers to the historical development of the kinetic t...