Through a series of carefully chosen vignettes, Stephen E. Frantzich portrays citizens from every...
From the beginning of the Republic, members of Congress have been in the media spotlight. In rece...
Democratic politics involves a series of multi-directional conversations. Effective conversations...
Congress: Games and Strategies, fourth edition, is an up-to-date look at the 21st century Congres...
Changes in lifestyles and technology have confronted modern American democracy with significant c...
Is Donald Trump's 'War on the Media' new news, fake news, or business as usual? Presidents have a...
In 1982, Ronald Reagan invited Lenny Skutnick-the government employee who dove into the icy water...
From the beginning of the Republic, members of Congress have been in the media spotlight. In rece...
Democratic politics involves a series of multi-directional conversations. Effective conversations...
This book is designed to serve as a reliable research companion to students of American governmen...
Founding Father is the first biography of C-SPAN's Brian Lamb. It explores his experiences as a s...
Presidents have always 'used' the media and felt abused by it. As new technologies have entered t...