Presents an analysis of defense institution building (DIB), recommends goals and objectives, iden...
Following on a series of RAND Corporation studies of nation-building, this monograph analyzes the...
Describes a methodology for establishing physical fitness standards for four Air Force occupation...
Analyzes the use and management of local defense forces in eight major counterinsurgencies from 1...
This book examines six case studies of insurgencies from around the world to determine the key fa...
Some recent shipbuilding programs have had multiple shipyards construct major modules of each shi...
This report evaluates the Strength Aptitude Test and related fitness tests to identify strategies...
This report examines Mali's counterterrorism requirements in light of recent evolutions in the co...
In this report, RAND researchers identify eight common characteristics of gray zone aggression, d...
Supplies Air Force planners with information about resources for security cooperation, the rules ...
Given Russia's annexation of Crimea and aggression in Ukraine, Europe must reassess the regional ...
This report analyzes how Europeans perceive the Russian threat following the 2014 Ukraine crisis,...