This definitive biography of one of the world's greatest comedians unflinchingly yet affectionate...
Groucho Marx may be the funniest man who ever lived.Here in one volume are the classics of Marxia...
Stefan Kanfer, acclaimed biographer of Lucille Ball and Groucho Marx, now gives us the definitive...
In this comprehensive biography of one of the great movie icons of our time, Stefan Kanfer, the a...
In Stardust Lost, Stefan Kanfer brings the colorful Yiddish stage roaring back to life. Born of a...
Stories of Success: Phil the Fiddler (Illustrated)
Manhattanites have always had a disdain for the rearview mirror. That's where trends begin, and t...
Stories of Success: The Young Miner (Illustrated)
De Beers Consolidated Mines is fighting for its life. The most powerful and secretive cartel in t...
Stories of Success: Andy Grant's Pluck (Illustrated)