'Ein Roman, der weitererzählen will, wo das Erzählen anderer versagt.' Der Tagesspiegel Die junge...
In a series of beautiful, impassioned essays, Croatian journalist and feminist Drakulic provides ...
'Slavenka Drakulic is a journalist and writer whose voice belongs to the world.' -Gloria SteinemT...
Die Verbrechen der Balkankriege und das Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Den Haag: Wer sind die Täter ...
A wry, cutting deconstruction of the Communist empire by one of Eastern Europe's exceptional auth...
People being transported to slave markets. Women become victims of barbaric rape. Men are taken t...
Europe is still a divided continent. In the place of a fallen Berlin wall, there is a chasm betwe...
An evocative and timely collection of essays that paints a portrait of Eastern Europe thirty year...
This essay collection from renowned journalist and novelist Slavenka Drakulic, which quickly beca...
* An accessible, involving and moving account of the Balkan war criminals
Drakulic introduces readers to the accused individuals from the Bosnian conflict of the early 199...