The inspiring true story of Fauja Singh, the oldest person to ever run a marathon. Fauja did not ...
After moving to a new country, a young Sikh girl finds comfort and familiarity as she celebrates ...
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is an emerging healthcare problem worldwide, but is fairly acute i...
Poskol'ku proniknowenie interneta za poslednee desqtiletie wyroslo wo mnogo raz, onlajn-igry - ät...
Alors que la pénétration d'Internet a pris de nombreux plis au cours de la dernière décennie, les...
Poiché la penetrazione di Internet è cresciuta di molte pieghe nell'ultimo decennio, il gioco onl...
Da die Durchdringung des Internets in den letzten zehn Jahren um ein Vielfaches zugenommen hat, i...
As the penetration of the Internet grew many folds in the last decade, online gaming is a recent ...
À medida que a penetração da Internet cresceu muitas vezes na última década, os jogos online são ...
Whenever a bight occurs in life, bite it harder and get out of it.
Poniewä penetracja Internetu wzros¿a wielokrotnie w ci¿gu ostatniej dekady, gry online s¿ ostatni...
Aangezien de penetratie van het internet in het laatste decennium vele plooien heeft gemaakt, is ...