A series of micro-collections featuring a selection of peculiar tales from the best in horror and...
In the haunted desolation of post-nuclear Britain, the Catchman walks. Spawned from the nightmare...
'You never know which ideas will stick in your mind, let alone where they'll go. Roth-Steyr began...
The dream never changes: a moonless, starless night without end. The road she walks is black, bor...
'Helen Damnation's rebellion against the Reapers has spread. All across post-nuclear Britain, the...
'I first read about the 1955 Le Mans Disaster over twenty years ago, but I knew at once there was...
'Roth-Steyr, the story of Valerie Varden (or to use her full name, Countess Valerie Elisabeth Fra...
'One of the most accomplished and eloquent British horror writers is Simon Bestwick, and here is ...