Using the Icelandic context, Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon examines egodocuments as distinct and fasci...
This unique and detailed analysis provides the first accessible and comprehensive introduction to...
This book studies everyday writing practices among ordinary people in a poor rural society in the...
This book aims to demonstrate how scholars in recent times have been utilizing egodocuments from ...
Emotional Experience and Microhistory explores the life and death of Magnús Hj. Magnússon through...
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This book aims to demonstrate how scholars have been utilizing egodocuments and providing an open...
Emotional Experience and Microhistory explores the life and death of Magnús Hj. Magnússon through...
This unique and detailed analysis provides the first accessible and comprehensive introduction to...
This volume explores the life of Bjargey 'Bíbí' Kristjánsdóttir (1927-1999), an Icelandic woman w...