With the success of Slaughterhouse-Five (1969), Kurt Vonnegut cemented his reputation as America'...
The definitive edition of Kurt Vonnegut's fiction concludes with three brilliantly satirical nove...
One dog, one turtle, one rabbit, and one frog become invisible in the middle of the baseball fiel...
Sidney Offit's charming memoir of a writer's life ingeniously reflects some of the greatest (and ...
This first volume of a projected three-volume edition gathers four of Vonnegut's most acclaimed n...
In this slim, elegant memoir, Sidney Offit -- novelist, teacher, and curator of one of the nation...
Homer Fink could speak Latin and Greek or chart the orbit of the planet Jupiter, but when it came...
The ultimate Vonnegut: all 14 novels plus a selection of the best of his stories in a definitive ...