Multi-component reactions (MCRs) are convergent reactions, in which three or more starting materi...
Anxiety is a feeling of dread, fear, or apprehension, often with no clear justification. Anxiety ...
In the present study, the process parameters of WEDM are selected and experimentally investigated...
Binary suspensions made up of oppositely charged nanoparticles have been shown to self assemble i...
No Means No is an anthology which is a collection of articles and poem. The co-authors of this bo...
The most frequent complication in maxillary posterior extractions is maxillary sinus opening. Thi...
In this book we have described how the machines will look in future, and how they help us reducin...
Die häufigste Komplikation bei Extraktionen im Oberkieferseitenzahnbereich ist die Eröffnung der ...
La complicazione più frequente nelle estrazioni mascellari posteriori è l'apertura del seno masce...
La complication la plus fréquente des extractions maxillaires postérieures est l'ouverture du sin...
La complicación más frecuente en las extracciones de maxilares posteriores es la apertura del sen...
A complicação mais frequente nas extracções posteriores maxilares é a abertura do seio maxilar. E...