This comprehensive guide to the emerging areas and synergistic relationships among the domains of...
Through better understanding of the biology of bone healing, bone regeneration and bone remodelin...
Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is the most important part of wired and wireless communicatio...
Forest fires have received increased public attention globally during last few years due to their...
Controlling tooth movements in three dimensions has been made possible by the advent of fixed ort...
Die Kontrolle der Zahnbewegungen in drei Dimensionen wurde durch das Aufkommen festsitzender kief...
Le contrôle des mouvements des dents en trois dimensions a été rendu possible par l'avènement des...
In dem Buch werden Einblicke in die SARS-CoV-2-Pathologie, die Immunfunktion des Wirts, einschlie...
Nel libro sono stati elaborati approfondimenti sulla patologia della SARS-CoV-2, sulla funzione i...
In the book, insights into the SARS-CoV-2 pathology, host's immune function including innate, cel...
L'ouvrage donne un aperçu de la pathologie du SRAS-CoV-2, de la fonction immunitaire de l'hôte, y...
V knige podrobno rassmatriwaetsq patologiq SARS-CoV-2, immunnaq funkciq hozqina, wklüchaq wrozhde...