Denoising of normal pictures is the crucial and testing research issue of Image procesdsing. This...
Disaster is the activity that occurs anytime, anywhere without prior information. It is very harm...
Ispol'zowanie parodontologicheskih powqzok shiroko rasprostraneno na protqzhenii mnogih let. Odna...
About the Book: In the current era, nanotechnology and biostatistics both has unfolding new promi...
The use of periodontal dressings has been widespread for many years. Recently, however, the value...
L'uso delle medicazioni parodontali è diffuso da molti anni. Recentemente, tuttavia, il valore de...
O uso de curativos periodontais tem sido generalizado por muitos anos. Recentemente, entretanto, ...
L'utilisation de pansements parodontaux est très répandue depuis de nombreuses années. Récemment,...
Stosowanie opatrunków periodontologicznych jest powszechne od wielu lat. Ostatnio jednak warto¿¿ ...
Die Verwendung von Parodontalverbänden ist seit vielen Jahren weit verbreitet. In letzter Zeit wu...
Het gebruik van parodontale verbanden is al vele jaren wijdverbreid. Recentelijk zijn er echter v...
El uso de apósitos periodontales se ha extendido durante muchos años. Sin embargo, recientemente ...