In the second installment of their cutting-edge romantic trilogy, Shonell Bacon and JDaniels cont...
Lies, abuse, infidelity, sex, intrigue, international romance—a cornucopia of events play out in ...
To snitch or not to snitch? This is the question 16-year-old Seneca Allen can't seem to answer wi...
A Sister's Keeper is someone who has been in your corner during your most pivotal times. She may ...
Calvin Thompson's Be Ye Transformed By The Renewal Of Your Mind is a timely, spiritual journey th...
In Girl, Get Up and Win, 40 women-including one husband and wife team-share personal stories of e...
'The time to listen to the younger generation has begun. But, some of their voices has been silen...
What Happens After The Game is an inspiring memoir that tells the story of Michelle Reed, a retir...
Each story creating ripples of its own, weaving a tapestry of lessons, resilience, and the enduri...
AI for Executives: A Blueprint for Success, Innovation and Growth