Follow the lives of two kindred spirits as they're pulled from a perfect Realm known as Peace Pla...
We were born to win and do great things for God! In Dr. Clark's book, 'Birthing Your Destiny,' yo...
Dr. Clark's book, 'Pray and Grow Richer' is for you.After years of growing up in poverty and bein...
We were born to win and do great things for God! In Dr. Clark s book, Birthing Your Destiny, you ...
Laelius: A Dialogue On Friendship (1893) is a book written by the ancient Roman philosopher and s...
Dr. Clark's book, 'Pray and Grow Richer' is for you.After years of growing up in poverty and bein...
We were born to win and do great things for God! In Dr. Clark's book, 'Birthing Your Destiny,' yo...
Dr. Shirley Clark is living her best life ever!And it is not that she has everything she wants, b...
Dr. Clark's book, 'Pray and Grow Richer' is for you. After years of growing up in poverty and bei...
In order to success in your Christian life, you must understand your God-given prophetic destiny....
This survey on the modernity of ethnomathematicsaddresses numerous themes related to both ethnoma...