Genetics and Oral health is a comprehensive yet brief review on the vast subject of Genetics.It g...
This work is a collection of variation usually observed by clinicians from different dental speci...
Early childhood caries - a comprehensive review covers all the aspects of dental caries in childr...
Geriatric dentistry is an evolving discipline. It includes the diagnosis, treatment and preventio...
The book entitled, 'Impact of Beauty Culture Trainings on beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Kaus...
Le livre s'intitule 'Impact of Beauty Culture Trainings on beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Kau...
Kniga pod nazwaniem 'Vliqnie treningow po kul'ture krasoty na beneficiarow programmy Pradhan Mant...
Das Buch mit dem Titel 'Auswirkungen von Beauty Culture Trainings auf die Begünstigten des Pradha...
El libro se titula 'Impacto de los cursos de formación sobre cultura de la belleza en las benefic...
Il libro si intitola 'Impatto dei corsi di formazione sulla cultura della bellezza sui beneficiar...
O livro intitulado 'Impact of Beauty Culture Trainings on beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Kaus...
In this edited volume, Verma and Dubey collate important discussions from international researche...