The acclaimed actress and legendary singer, Yamaguchi Yoshiko, emerged from Japanese-occupied Man...
Presents a multimedia, interdisciplinary study of Chinese modernity in the context of globalizati...
Beginning with silent classic Broken Blossoms and ending with the computer animated Kung Fu Panda...
Citing China explores the role film plays in creating a common ground for the exchange of politic...
Explores the manifold dimensions of Chinese film and highlights areas overlooked in previous stud...
Presents a multimedia, interdisciplinary study of Chinese modernity in the context of globalizati...
A comprehensive, comparative, and cross-cultural study of the poetics of the entire Chinese narra...
Beginning with silent classic Broken Blossoms and ending with the computer animated Kung Fu Panda...
In 1990s post-Reform China, a growing number of people armed with video cameras poured out upon t...
The acclaimed actress and singer, Yamaguchi Yoshiko (aka Li Xianglan) emerged from Japan-occupied...
Focuses on Sino-French films that have appeared since 2000. Michelle E. Bloom views these works t...