In the metropolis of Lower Triton, the city's greatest hero, Virtue, its nastiest villain, Malice...
'Only one force in the universe can bring Jake Roth (the first hero), Molly Danger, Virtue (from ...
What kind of creature would stalk an idyllic, quiet, small town? None, as far as Betty can tell. ...
Charles Band's long running cult classic horror film series makes its way to the comic page! When...
The Puppets debt to the demon god Anapa has been paid, but what was the endgame behind the seven ...
The terror just keeps coming in the fourth volume of Zenescope's horror anthology series! Include...
For nearly twenty years a life-sized puppet has tormented the children of the Bouldeston Institut...
The final chapter of Action Lab's epic Puppet Master story starts now! Everything from the past t...
Meet the newest member of Zombie Tramp universe!
Lower Triton's greatest hero Virtue, its nastiest villain, Malice, and a guy named Jeff have some...
Charles Band's long-running cult classic horror film series makes its way to the comic page! When...
In this exciting installment of Fracture, Jeff fights to assert control over his own mind in an i...