Achtsamkeit goes WissenschaftViele von uns sehnen sich nach innerer Ruhe, Klarheit und Freude im ...
Endorsed by Barbara Corcoran, star of ABC's 'SHARK TANK': 'An exciting guide to help propel you t...
Kids need both love and limits in order to thrive. In Mindful Discipline, a pediatrician and an i...
In this new edition, authors Shapiro and Carlson draw from Eastern wisdom and practices as well a...
Arte y ciencia del mindfulness : integrar el mindfulness en la psicología y en las profesiones de...
Discover the power of mindfulness and self-compassion for cultivating greater peace, connection, ...
Discover the Transformative Effects of Being Kind to Yourself 'This brilliant book offers us both...
Discover the power of mindfulness and self-compassion for cultivating greater peace, connection, ...
By saying 'Good morning, I love you' to herself each day, a young girl changes her negative self-...
Icinde bulundugunuz ani gecmis veya gelecege dair kaygilarla kacirmak yerine farkindalikla deneyi...
This third edition offers a deeper understanding of the concept of mindfulness and explores its p...