Ameloblastic fibroma is a mixed intraosseous & true biphasic tumour consisting of proliferating o...
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) also termed epidermoid carcinoma, is a malignant neoplasm tha...
The 21st century has brought new challenges for forest management at a time when globalization in...
Over the past few decades, the frequency and severity of natural and human-induced disasters have...
Over the past few decades, the frequency and severity of natural and human-induced disasters have...
Überzählige Zähne werden definiert als 'Zähne oder zahnähnliche Strukturen, die zusätzlich zu den...
Les dents surnuméraires sont définies comme 'des dents, ou des structures ressemblant à des dents...
Vremennye zuby opredelqütsq kak 'zuby ili zubopodobnye struktury, kotorye prorezalis' ili ostaüts...
Supernumerary teeth are defined as 'Teeth, or tooth-like structures that have either erupted or r...
Os dentes supranumerários são de¿ned como 'Dentes, ou estruturas semelhantes a dentes que ou entr...
I denti soprannumerari sono definiti come 'Denti, o strutture simili ai denti, che sono erotti o ...
Informações diagnósticas influenciam diretamente as decisões clínicas. Dados precisos facilitam m...