Most of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa (KPK) rice growing regions face problems of rapid floods each year wh...
Written for community interpreters working in mental health settings. Its an aid to understanding...
As an application of information technology (IT), e-government is used for delivery in government...
As an application of information technology (IT), e-government is used for delivery in government...
The body defense program is a remarkable self and non-self recognition system and normally reacts...
Le programme de défense de l'organisme est un remarquable système de reconnaissance du soi et du ...
O programa de defesa do corpo é um notável sistema de auto e não auto-reconhecimento e normalment...
Das körpereigene Abwehrprogramm ist ein bemerkenswertes Selbst- und Fremderkennungssystem und rea...
Il programma di difesa dell'organismo è uno straordinario sistema di riconoscimento di sé e non s...
El programa de defensa del organismo es un notable sistema de reconocimiento propio y ajeno y nor...
Zaschitnaq programma organizma predstawlqet soboj zamechatel'nuü sistemu raspoznawaniq sebq i ne-...
Global supply chains are becoming more customer-centric and sustainable thanks to next-generation...