A masterful portrait of two remarkable women, revealing how two turbulent lives were always haunt...
Alex is a disaster, juggling multiple jobs and living paycheque to paycheque. After she applies t...
A biography and family memoir by turns hilarious and heart-wrenching, Miranda Seymour's Thrumpton...
Experiencing a state of robust sexual vitality is a fundamental characteristic of human nature. T...
`An absolute belter of a biography¿ MARINA HYDEA Times Literary Non-Fiction Book of the Year 2022...
A double biography exploring the lives of Byron's wife Annabella Milbanke and their daughter Ada ...
A 'New York Times' Notable Book of the Year and a 'Washington Post' Best Book of 2001, 'Mary Shel...
`An absolute belter of a biography¿ MARINA HYDEA Times Literary Non-Fiction Book of the Year 2022...
The definitive and richly woven biography of Mary Shelley, in celebration of the 200th anniversar...
Uno de los mayores retos de Miranda Seymour como biógrafa: trazar la figura de un padre muy espec...
In 1815, the clever, courted, and cherished Annabella Milbanke married the notorious and brillian...
La florista ciega de Luces de la ciudad es un icono del cine; la actriz que la interpretó, una mu...