In this exciting ninth installment of Sukhinov's monumental Emerald City saga, Almar, crushed by ...
In this seventh book of Sukhinov's Emerald City saga, the struggle between the forces of Good and...
This tenth and final installment of Sukhinov's monumental Emerald City saga brings matters to a h...
This third installment of Sergei Sukhinov's monumental Emerald City saga introduces the hero Alma...
Things go badly for Magic Land in this eighth installment of Sukhinov's monumental Emerald City s...
In this fifth installment of Sukhinov's 'Emerald City' saga, Agnet, lovely but treacherous lady-i...
This is the first book in a new ten-part series about Magic Land (the Russian Oz), a continuation...
This sixth installment of Sukhinov's spectacular 'Emerald City' saga introduces lovely but cold L...
Acclaimed Russian author Sergei Sukhinov has written a spectacular ten-part saga in which the peo...