Nanoscaled CMOS technology brings various critical challenges and reliability issues such as shor...
The performance and advantages of micro strip patch antennas such as low weight, low profile, and...
There are many devices like FinFET, Tunnel Field Effect Transistor (TFET) or Impact Ionization Me...
Periodontal disease refers to the processes of destruction of the peri-tooth structures that supp...
An edge in an image is a contour across which the brightness of the image changes abruptly. In im...
Les performances et les avantages des antennes patch à microbande, tels que leur faible poids, le...
Harakteristiki i preimuschestwa mikropoloskowyh patch-antenn, takie kak malyj wes, nizkij profil'...
O desempenho e as vantagens das antenas de microplastia de bandas, tais como baixo peso, baixo pe...
Le prestazioni e i vantaggi delle antenne patch a microstriscia come il peso ridotto, il basso pr...
Die Leistung und die Vorteile von Mikrostreifen-Patch-Antennen wie geringes Gewicht, niedriges Pr...
Pod zabolewaniqmi parodonta ponimaütsq processy razrusheniq okolozubnyh struktur, podderzhiwaüsch...
Doença periodontal refere-se aos processos de destruição das estruturas peri-dentárias que suport...