The aftermath of the Second World War marked a radical new moment in the history of migration. Fo...
Journey into the world of Stephanie's fast-paced, yet happy life...
Journey into New Orleans, as Leslie Grace unfolds her experience within a new city...
An epic short tale of love, desire, and cruel lust.Hear Veronica's tale of being an immortal and ...
Two epic stories within one book!Journey into these small tales about Vampires and their experien...
Two Amazing short stories of two Vampire Ladies and their small journey into immortality!Get lost...
Sometimes being immortal can have its moments...Get lost in this epic Novel of love, lust, betray...
Jane Harrison is a young woman who has lost her job, reputation, friends and family over a scanda...
Zor Dorelemu Zordoski, son of Di Zordoski, ruler of planet Orgon and future leader of the drom em...
Previously published as Desires of a Vampire by Jo Ann Atcheson Gray & The Vampire's Betrayal by ...
Previously published titles by Jo Ann Atcheson Gray, Anna Elizabeth, Jo Jo Gray, Sasha Joy...Enjo...
Previously published titles by Jo Ann Atcheson Gray, Anna Elizabeth, Jo Jo Gray, and Sasha Joy......